Clinical breast exam (CBE)

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A clinical breast exam (CBE) is a physical exam of the breasts and the underarm area by a doctor, nurse or other trained healthcare professional.

Why a CBE is done

If you tell your healthcare professional about a lump or change in your breasts, you may have a CBE. Your healthcare professional may also do it as part of your regular physical exam.

How a CBE is done

You don’t need to do anything special to prepare for a CBE. The same CBE technique is used if you have breast implants. The CBE includes the breasts, nipples, underarms and collarbone areas.

You will be asked to remove your clothing from the waist up and wear a gown during the exam. Talk to your healthcare professional about any areas you may be worried about.

The healthcare professional will first look at the breasts with you sitting and then when you are lying down. The healthcare professional looks for:

  • changes or differences in the shape, size or thickness of the breasts
  • differences in skin colour, temperature and texture in the breasts, such as redness, increased warmth or dimpling of the skin
  • rashes
  • visible lumps or swelling
  • fluid, or discharge, leaking from the nipple
  • nipple changes, such as a nipple starting to point inward (called inverted) or scaling

The healthcare professional will then feel the breasts for any issues. This is done with you lying down, which flattens the breast tissue. Breast tissue covers a large area. It extends from the middle of the chest into the armpit and up toward the collarbone and deep inside to the muscles of the chest wall. The healthcare professional will examine the entire area and will need to use some pressure to get at the deeper tissue. You may be asked to move your arms in different ways so the tissue is easier to examine.

The healthcare professional uses firm pressure with their fingers to feel for abnormalities including:

  • lumps, including their size, shape and whether or not they move within the tissue
  • hardening or thickening in the breast tissue
  • tenderness or pain

The healthcare professional will also feel lymph nodes in the underarm area (called the axilla) and in the area above and below the collarbone for any lumps or hardening.

A CBE usually only takes a few minutes, but it is thorough enough to examine the whole breast area and give the healthcare professional the information they need.

What happens if a change or abnormality is found

The healthcare professional will talk to you about their findings and let you know if you need to have more tests.

Expert review and references

  • Sheryl Redlin-Frazier. Metastatic Breast Cancer. Yarbro CH, Wujcik D, Gobel B (eds.). Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice. 8th ed. Burlington, MA: Jone & Bartlett Learning; 2018: Kindle version, [chapter 48],
  • Healthwise Staff. Clinical Breast Examination. HealthLink BC; October 23, 2023.
  • Alberta Health Services. MyHealth Breast Exam. Government of Alberta; 2022.
  • Henderson, JA, Duffee D, Ferguson T. Breast Examination Techniques. StatPearls [Internet]. 2023.

Medical disclaimer

The information that the Canadian Cancer Society provides does not replace your relationship with your doctor. The information is for your general use, so be sure to talk to a qualified healthcare professional before making medical decisions or if you have questions about your health.

We do our best to make sure that the information we provide is accurate and reliable but cannot guarantee that it is error-free or complete.

The Canadian Cancer Society is not responsible for the quality of the information or services provided by other organizations and mentioned on, nor do we endorse any service, product, treatment or therapy.

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