
Meet Gord, Wheels of Hope volunteer driver

Volunteer drivers like Gord Reifenstein help get people to and from their cancer treatments safely. As a cancer survivor himself, Gord does so much more than give people a ride. He also lends a listening ear to people he shares an experience with so that they feel more at ease on their way to their appointment.
“Wheels of Hope is there, and hopefully we can alleviate the stress for a lot of people,” Gord says in the video above. “I have learned over the year just how important it is to people.” 


Meet Gord, Wheels of Hope volunteer driver

[Gord Reifenstein sits in front of a camera as he speaks]

Words on screen: Gord Reifenstein, Wheels of Hope volunteer driver 

Gord Reifenstein: Hi, I'm Gord Reifenstein. I'm a volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society. I am with the Wheels of Hope and enjoying myself quite a bit with this.

[A video of Gord driving the Wheels of Hope van.]

[A video of Gord driving the van down several different city streets.]

Gord Reifenstein: I am a cancer survivor. And, as a result of that, I thought I would give back and see how I can assist other people.

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: A lot of my clients, we have a rapport.

[A video of Gord outside a hospital, talking to someone off camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: We talk, we have good conversations.

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: And I think that sort of breaks the monotony for them when we're traveling, because they know where they're going.

[A video of Gord waiting outside a hospital.]

Gord Reifenstein: They know that they're not going to a pleasant place.

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: But we, you know, we just gab away and have a good time at it. And I think that really helps them.

[A video of Gord getting into the driver’s seat of a Wheels of Hope van.]

Gord Reifenstein: One highlight that I can recall right now is a woman.

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: She was diagnosed with cancer about two years, three years ago, and she and her husband would take public transit.

[A video of Gord driving away in the Wheels of Hope van.]

Gord Reifenstein: Well, on a good day, that was 90 minutes one way. In the winter, it was 2.5 hours.

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: So when she got into my van, she was all excited and in tears because it took us 45 minutes to get there.

[A video of the Wheels of Hope van parked outside of a hospital.]

Gord Reifenstein: And of course, the big question was, how do I get home?

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: I said, Flora, don't worry about it, you're coming home with me.

[A video of Gord driving through different city streets.]

Gord Reifenstein: A lot of people don't want to let people know that they're sick. So to have this program going kind of gives them a bit of relief, a little bit more satisfaction that they can look after their own health.

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: Wheels of Hope is there. Let's make it work. And hopefully we can alleviate the stress for a lot of people.

[A video of Gord standing in front of a forest.]

Gord Reifenstein: The big part right now is we need more volunteers.

[A video of Gord speaking to the camera.]

Gord Reifenstein: It takes a different person to be a volunteer. We know that.

[A video of Gord doing a variety of volunteer tasks: walking outside of a hospital, driving the Wheels of Hope van, and laughing with someone off-screen.]

Gord Reifenstein: Step out of your comfort zone. Let's just try it. I have learned over the year just how important it is to people. We'll get you there, and we'll take you home again.

Words on screen: Volunteers like Gord provided trusted transportation to thousands of people facing cancer every year.

Words on screen: It takes all of us to take on cancer.

Visit to become a volunteer today.

[The Canadian Cancer Society and It Takes a Society logos appear on screen.]

Words on screen: With thanks to

  • Honda Canada Foundation
  • The Wheels of Hope Golf Classic
  • S.C. Johnson & Son
  • The John and Bernice Parrott Foundation
  • Golden Daffodil Ball – GDECCO
  • The Kingston Kinsmen
  • Uniac Foundatoin
  • William J. Henderson Foundatoin
  • Snow Angel Foundation
  • Bruce Power Direct